Tuesday, February 27

teach your kids about money

'cause they are not going to learn in school.

from the wall street journal

Giving Five-Year-Olds a Toy Allowance:
How to Teach Your Kids About Money
June 1, 2005

Will they bite the hand that once fed them?

Unfortunately, it's all too easy to raise financially irresponsible children. Many teenagers learn nothing about personal finance in school, and they learn all the wrong lessons from their free-spending friends. Yet surveys indicate that 11% of teens and 76% of college undergraduates are now wielding credit cards.

The danger: Your kids will grow up to be financially reckless, and you will feel compelled to bail them out. Don't want to spend the rest of your life footing their bills? Here's how I have tried to protect myself -- by instilling good financial habits in my kids.


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